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B. Finley, M.B. B.CH., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Professor, Sanford School of Medicine of the University of South Dakota

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The histologic appearance ofchondrodermatitls is distinctive, and due to the absence of definitive adjustments throughout the cartilage. The position of endothelial cell& in the vasculopathy of systemic: acleroaia: a scientific: evaluation. Pathology of a new poisonous syndrome attributable to ingestion of adulterated oil in Spain. Scleroderma-like pores and skin indurations in a baby with phenylketonuria: a clinicopathologic correlation and evaluation of the literature. Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis with a spectrum of medical and histopathological presentation: a dysfunction ofaberrant dermal remodeling. Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis and gadolinium exposure: affiliation and lessons for idiopathic fibrosing issues. Motegi S, Okada E, Uchiyama A, et al Role of endothelin-1/endothelin receptor signaling in fibrosis and calcification in nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. Clinical, genetic, and histopathologic classification of hamartomas of the collagen, elastin, and proteoglycan kind. 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Thermal keratoses and squamous cell carcinoma in situ related to erythema ah igne. Evidence for mixed transepidennal elimination of both collagen and elastic fibers. Juvenile chondrodermatitis nodularis heliciJ: a case report and literature evaluation. Fibroelastolytic papulosis: histopathologic confirmation of disease spectrum variants in a single case. Pseudoxanthoma elasticum-like papillary dermal elastolysis: a large case collection with clinicopathological correlation. A sex-linked recessive disorder with retardation of growth, peculiar hair, and focal cerebral and cerebellar degeneration. Granulomatous slack pores and skin: clonal rearrangement of the T-cell receptor beta gene is evidence for the lymphoproliferative nature of a cutaneous elastolytic dysfunction. Junkins-Hopkins A specimen submitted to a dermatopathologist or pathologist with the scientific analysis of tag or nodule might, once in a while, have histologic features which may be nonnal or characteristic but not for a specific location. Such a lesion could be thought of ectopic (ektopos is Greek for "out of place") and may be benign and of no systemic consequence, or it might be related to an extra. Various forms of ectopic tissue and their characteristic locations are listed in Table 18-1. The tragus is the portion ofthe external ear derived from the first branchial arch. This, along with the second branchial arch, moves dorsally, forming the auricle. An accent tragus may develop at any point along the migratory line that extends from the tragus to the angle of the mouth or alongside the anterior margin of the stemocleidomastoid muscle. Accessory auricular anomaly, as a reference to a cartilaginous core with overlying skin, much like a tragus, could additionally be extra appropriate. Some authors check with these as a subtype ofaccessory auricle, that are additional classifled in accordance with the location (intraauricular, preauricular, and buccal) and protrusion pattern (pedunculated, sessile, areolar, remnant, or depressed). Associated developmental abnormalities of the pharyngeal arch could also be sun in at least 5% of patients with accessory tragi. The floor could also be smooth or barely rugated with a thin, compact or basket-weave stratum corneum. The papillary dermis consists of collagen intermingled with adipose tissue and dilated vessels. The associated sebaceous glands are hormonally responsive and vary in prominence relying on the age of the affected person. A congenital midline hamartoma could have overlapping clinicopathologic features however is differentiated by a midline location close to the chin, absence of elastic cartilage, and the presence of distinguished striated muscle. It has been proposed that hair follicle nevi characterize incomplete accessory magi with scant fat cells. Supernumerary nipples occur extra typically in males, with a male-to-female ratio ofup to 2. Accessory breast tissue is a congenital anomaly that may include any part or mixture of components seen in the regular breast: nipple, areola, and parenchyma (Table 18-2). It is important to recognize, since accessory breast tissue may be associated with other malformations, syndromes, or malignancies. Normally, the breast develops in the pectoral region of the ridge, and the rest regresses. A variety of anomalies could result from failure of this regression, together with complete (polymastia) or incomplete supernumerary breasts; complete supernumerary nipples with nipple areola and glandular breast tissue (polymastia); a supernumerary nipple only (polythelia), which is the commonest, representing 60% to 70% of instances; a nipple and areola with the gland replaced by fat (pseudomamma); a nipple and glandular tissue without a nipple; an areola and glandular tissue with no nipple; an areola alone (polythelia areolaris); glandular tissue alone; and a patch of hair (polythelia pilosis). Such tissue situated within the anogenital area is referred to as anogenital mammary-like glands. Comparable benign and malignant neoplasms can happen on this context and ought to be assessed as breast lesions. A case of 6 accent nipples and accessory breast glandular tissue has been reported in a woman with a 3-generation household historical past of polythelia. Unusual websites outdoors the milk line embody the perineum,18 (although this most likely represents anogenital mammary-like gland tissue as described below), scapula, posterior aspect of the thigh, face, neck, and labia majora.

Pathogenetically skin care tips for men cleocin gel 20 gm purchase otc, there may be a role for enhanced metalloproteinase expression in lesions of anetodermic syphilis acne xlr discount cleocin gel 20 gm amex. Fever skin care 3-step cleocin gel 20 gm with mastercard, arthralgia, or lymphadenopathy could coexistY Secondary yaws develops in 9% to 15 % of sufferers with primary yaws. Skin lesions, or daughter yaws, resemble the mother yaw but are smaller and extra numerous. Although periorificial lesions might resemble venereal syphilis, a circinate look could mimic fungal infection, therefore the designation Tinea yaws. A morbilliform eruption could occur, as may condylomatous vegetations involving the axillae and groin. Macular, hyperkeratotic, and papillomatous lesions may be seen on palmoplantar surfaces and may trigger the patient to stroll with a painful, crablike gait, designated crab yaws. Lesions within the intertriginous areas might resemble condyloma lata of secondary syphilis. Tertiary syphilis Tertiary syphilis contains nodular tertiary syphilis confined to the skin; benign gummatous syphilis principally affecting skin, bone, and liver; cardiovascular syphilis; neurosyphilis; and syphilitic hepatic cirrhosis. In nodular tertiary syphilis, granulomas are small and restricted to the dermis, during which scattered, nested epithelioid cells are intermingled with a number of multinucleated big cells and lymphoid and plasma cells. Cutaneous and subcutaneous nodules exhibit accentuation across the joint surfaces. Obstructive hypertrophy of the nasal muillary processes produces the uncommon however attribute goundou. Macular atrophy and culture-positive aqueous humor suggest that yaws may exhibit neurophthalmologic manifestations. In lower-prevalence areas, a less virulent type of the disease termed *attenuated yaws" manifests as greasy grey lesions within the pores and skin folds. The biopsy reveals an intense angiocentric and diffuse lymphohis1iocytic and plasma-cell infiltrate. The ulcerative lesions of tertiary yaws histologically resemble these of late syphilis. Differential Diagnosis the excellence of yaws from syphilis is based on medical features,31 although localization of the organism in a skin biopsy could additionally be helpful. The major lesion, an erythematous papule surrounded by a halo, occurs 1 to eight weeks after inoculation and should expand by direct extension or via fusion of satellites to type an ill-defined plaque as a lot as 12 cm in diameter on the legs or other uncovered websites. The primary lesion in infants classically happens where the child was carefully held by the affected mother. The secondary lesions, which bear the unfortunate and deceptive appellation �pmtids," manifest months after inoculation as small, erythematous, scaly papules and psoriasiform plaques, and are, like the first lesions, highly infectious. In the tertiary stage, hypopigmented macules are present over bony prominences, wrists, ankles, and elbows. The biopsy shows psoriasiform epidermal hyperplasia with an intense lyrnphohistiocytic: and plasma cell infiltrate within the corium. Tertiary-stage lesions show both postinflammatory hyperpigmentation or are depigmented, manifesting full absence of epidermal melanin; epidermal atrophy and perivascular lymphocytic infiltrates are seen in both. Endemic syphilis (bejel) Endemic syphilis, or bejel, is thought to affect about 2. The uncommon primary-stage pores and skin lesions encompass erythematous papules or ulcers of the oropharyngeal mucosa or the pores and skin of the nipple of an uninfected mom nursing an contaminated infant. The more frequent initial manifestations are secondary-stage lesions, which are a quantity of shallow, painless ulcers involving the lips, buccal mucosa, tongue, fauces, or tonsils. Such lesions may be accompanied by hoarseness as a result of treponemal laryngitis, regional lymphadenopathy, and condylomata lata involving the axillae and anogenital areas. Rarely, the initial presentation might embrace erythematous, crusted papules, macules, or annular papulosquamous lesions accompanied in some patients by generalized lymphadenopathy or periostitis. The tertiary stage seems as gummatous lesions of the nasopharynx, larynx, skin, and bone that will progress to ulcers that heal as depigmented, generally geographic scars with peripheral hyperpigmentation. Bone and joint involvement seems as tibial periostitis mimicking yaws or as damaging lesions of the nasal septum and palate. In explicit, coinfection of ticks and humans by Anaplasma phagocytophilum, the etiologic agent of human granulocytic anaplasmosis, and by B. Early disseminated Lyme disease occurs with hematogenous dissemination from pores and skin lesions of erythema chronicum migrans (erythema migrans) causing delicate and self-limited orchitis, splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, and delicate pneumonitis. In the absence of a rash, the diagnosis depends on the demonstration of an antibody response to B. Lyme disease Named after the town of Lyme, Connecticut, where it was first encountered in 1975,fifty two Lyme disease is attributable to the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi and is transmitted by Ixodid (hard body) ticks, with Ixodes scapularis being the prototypical vector. Lyme borreliosis is now probably the most prevalent tick-borne disease in North America, Europe, and Asia, and it has additionally been reported in Africa. A hemorrhagic and vesicular variant exists characterised by epidermal necrosis with papillary dermal edema. A biopsy taken 1 cm inside the advancing lesional rim exhibits endothelial swelling and dennal mucinosis with a nonspecific, sparse perivascular lymphoc:ytic infiltrate (Alcian blue). Epidennal spongiosis with vesicle formation overlies a dermis displaying a sparse nonspecific perivascular lymphoc:ytic infiltrate. In explicit at the website of the tick chunk, a strikingvasculopathy develops that exactly re<:apitulates a kind I monoclonal cryoglobulinemia. The opposite view is that the diagnosis at this stage is essentially a medical one due to the incidence offalse-positive and false-negative outcomes. Although tissue eosinophilia and epidermal modifications help discriminate Lyme disease from connective tissue illness, differentiation from erythema annulare centrifugwn may be impossible. Rare instances manifest tissue necrosis at the main inoculation site, thus mimicking a brown recluse spider chunk. Located primarily close to joints of the higher and decrease extremities, sparing the palms, soles, face, and trunk,ninety six late-stage lesions might present sclerosis in the form of pseudosclerodermatous plaques over the dorsa of the ft, linear fibrotic bands over ulnar and tibia! Another distinctive medical expression of acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans is nonacute bluish-red discoloration of the toes in a style paying homage to a vascular insufficiency syndrome and acrocyanosis. Ocular and neurologic complications could include iritis, keratitis, optic nerve atrophy, trigeminal neuralgia, and facial palsy. Histomorphologically, the lesion was characterized by fibrosis, granulomatous infiltrates, and quite a few plasma cells. A cell-poor lymphocytic interface dermatitis with vacuolar basal-layer degeneration and variable postinflammatory pigmentary alterations ranging from leukoderma to hyperpigmentation is noted in 50% of patients. The papillary dermis exhibits edema that progresses to eosinophilic homogenization,32. The histopathology of anetoderma, an elastolytic disorder, is discussed elsewhere. The combination of cutaneous atrophy with a plasma-cell infiltrate ought to prompt consideration of acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans. Lymphocytoma cutis and malignant lymphoma Lymphocytoma cutis is a benign cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia ascribed to triggering elements, together with drugs, contactants, and infections, implicating an excessive immune response to antigen as its etiologic basis. Lesions could occur at sites of erythema migrans or in patients with early disseminated Lyme illness. Following treatment for borreliosis, the lesion regressed, including the neoplastic B-cell part. Germinal centers could additionally be noticed, and a grenz zone of papillary dermal sparing is characteristic. Differential Diagnosis Other infections, significantly these as a end result of herpes or mycobacteria, and reactions to insect bites, medicine, a hundred and five and contactants, mimic nodular borrelial lymphocytoma cutis, and welldifferentiated lymphocytic lymphoma and continual lymphocytic leukemia mimic the diffuse variant. Borrelioma: a nodular dermal infiltrate consisting predominantly of small lymphocytes. These lesions may happen on any cutaneous floor, together with the palms and soles, however are noticed most regularly on the extremities and trunk. Rickettsialpox is associated with papulovesicles, however frequently, contaminated sufferers additionally current with macules and papules. Rickettsiae are obligate intracellular micro organism which are transmitted to humans from contaminated arthropods.

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They measure 15 to 25 �m acne x-ray treatments cleocin gel 20 gm trusted, have fine granular cytoplasm and phagocytized erythrocytes acne medication accutane order cleocin gel 20 gm otc, and are often isolated from the encompassing tissue by a small space (shrinkage artifact) - 20 gm cleocin gel purchase free shipping. The nucleus is small and spherical with a uniform blue ring of chromatin alongside the nuclear membrane; it may not be visible in all sections. Material from the ulcer edge may also be examined directly using iron hematoxylin or trichrome stain. Note the shortage of cohesion, the thin rim of nuclear chromatin, and the eiythrophagocytosis. Granulomatous irritation, might have caseous necrosis in bursa Severity of pores and skin lesions associated to depth of invasion Organisms in areas of necrosis Diagnostic options include Size (P. Use of topical steroids could predispose some people to a localized skin lesion. Protothecosis of the olecranon bursa develops a quantity of weeks after harm to the elbow. There is local swelling or thickening of the bursa, development of draining sinuses, and epithelial hyperplasia. In the cutaneous and subcutaneous types, single or a quantity of lesions are seen, usually over an exposed floor of the physique such because the face or limbs. Typical lesions are indurated and maculopapular with an overlying crust and may have focal ulceration. Other reported displays included verrucous, herpetiform, pyoderma-like, and chromomycosis-lik:e eruptions. In cutaneous lesions, the inflammatory response varies from minimal to neaotizing granulomas and appears related to the depth of the invasion. The organisms may be in any or all layers of the skin and may be single or in clusters, extracellular, or inside giant cells. These spherical, unicellular organisms with hyaline sporangia reproduce asexually by inside septation and cytoplasmic cleavage. The patient had disseminated Encephalitozoon intestinalis; protowa had been discovered within the pores and skin nodule. Gomori methenamine silver impregnation of olecranon bursa biopsy reveals the pleomorphic organisms. Chlorophyllic alga are similar to Prototheca species however can normally be differentiated in tissue sections by. Material from skin scrapings, biopsies, and aspirates can be cultured on Sabouraud medium followed by biochemical- or molecular-based identification. A variety of skin conditions have been noted, together with urticaria, angioedema, atopic dermatitis, lichen-planus-like skin and mucocutaneous eruption, and erythema nodosa. Prototheca and has since been placed inside the Mezomycetowa,ma group that includes orphan aquatic fish and amphibian pathogens. The most typical clinical presentation is the formation of polyps which would possibly be painless and usually positioned on mucosal areas of the nose, eye, larynx, genitalia, and rectum (Table 23-7). Immature sporangia are 10-100 �m in diameter with refractile eosinophilic walls 2-3 �m thick. A continual inflammatory response involving lymphocytes, pluma cells, and ranging numbers of epithelioid cells and neutrophils with granulation tissue are noticed in the submucosa and dermis. The spherical sporangia with encapsulated sporangiospores can mimic Coccidioides species spherules; however, the sporangia measurement range of R. Additionally, mature sporangiospores appear lobulated and could be suggestive of Prototheca species ifreleased into tissue. Molcc:ular cliagnosties for the dctcdion and c:harac:teriution of microbial pathogell$. Pulmonary superinfection by tric:homonada in the course of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Immunostaining of visceral leillhmaniasis caused by Leishmania infantum uaing monoclonal. Fluorescent in situ hybridization as a software to retrospectively determine Cryptosporidium parvum and Giardia lamblia in samples from terrestrial mammalian wildlife. Simultaneous detection of protozoa in the tissues of snakes by double in situ hybridization. In situ hybridization: a molecular strategy for the diagnosis of the microsporidian parasite Enterocytozoon bieneusi. Direct hybridization and amplification applications for the analysis of infectious ailments.! The northward spread of leishmaniasis in Italy: proof from retrospective and ongoing research on the canine reservoir and phlebotomine vectors. Leishmania species: visceral (kala-azar), cutaneous, and mucosocutaneous leishmaniasis. Diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Columbia: the sampling website inside lesions influences the sensitivity of parasitologic prognosis. The technique used to pattern ulcers influences the analysis of cutaneous leishmaniasis. Identification of Toxoplasma gondii in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue by polymerase chain response. Identification and distribution of Acanthamoeba species genotypes related to nonkeratitis infections. Acanthamoeba infection presenting as skin lesions in sufferers with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Disseminated Acanthamoeba infection in a coronary heart transplant recipient handled successfully with a miltefosine-containing routine: case report and evaluate of the literature. Chagas illness in Latin America: an epidemiological update primarily based on 2010 estimates. In Gutierrez Y, ed Diag- nostic Pathology of Parasitic Infections with Clinical Correlations. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for serological analysis of Chagas illness employing a Trypanosoma cruzi recombinant antigen that consists of four totally different peptides. Correlation oflatent toxoplasmosis with specific illness burden in a set of 88 international locations. Cutaneous acquired toxoplasmosis in a toddler: a case report and evaluation of the literature. Disseminated cutaneous acanthamebiasis: a case report and evaluate of the literature. Cutaneous protothecosis and different extraordinary �aquatic-borne" cutaneous infections. Disseminated cutaneous protothecosis in an immunocompromised host: a case report and literature review. Papular protothecosis of the chest: immunologic evaluation and therapy with a mixture of oral tetracycline and topical amphotericin B. Pathology of microsporidiosis: rising parasitic infections in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Most helminths associated with the skin that make the most of people as a definitive host (ie, the host during which maturation and sexual reproduction take place) are filarial nematodes. There are a quantity of inherent challenges with identifying helminths in tissue specimens, especially with regards to (I) situation of the specimen (if the worm is dead and degrading, sure morphologic options possibly be troublesome to discern), (2) the angle of the cut (oblique or tangential cuts could alter parasite morphology), and (3) helminths in the pores and skin are often rare or uncommon zoonotic species that may not be familiar to the microscopist. When suspect helminths are noticed in biopsy specimens, such specimens may be despatched to a parasitologist for consultation. The following morphological standards and terminology may be helpful in figuring out helminths in tissue specimens: 1 1. With most nematodes, the infectious stage is the L3 (sometimes referred to as a filariform larva). Externally, most nematodes have an analogous morphology, being lengthy and slender and lacking true segmentation. However, nematodes differ considerably in the type of their inside organs and organ systems, and the shape and association of inner structures is taxonomically and diagnostically essential. Occasionally, nematodes could have external projections that can be diagnostically helpful, similar to bosses (Loa loa), cuticular ridges (Onchocerca and Dirofilaria), and alae (Toxocara and Lagochilascaris). Between the cuticle and the musculature is a thin layer of cells referred to as the hypodermis.

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This ligament is attached to the ridge on the top of the rib and to the intervertebral disc acne yahoo discount 20 gm cleocin gel otc. Other ligaments of the joint embody a capsular ligament and a triradiate ligament acne 40 years old cleocin gel 20 gm buy amex. Each joint has a single cavity except in the second joint where the cavity is divided in two parts acne inversa images cleocin gel 20 gm buy generic on line. Interchondral Joints the fifth to ninth costal cartilages articulate with each other by synovial joints. The interrupted traces point out the position of the rib in inspiration Adjoining vertebrae (Th 5 and Th 6) are linked to each other at three joints. There is a median joint between the vertebral our bodies, and two joints-one on the best aspect and one on the left side-between the articular processes. The joint between the vertebral our bodies is a symphysis (secondary cartilaginous joint). The surfaces of the vertebral our bodies are lined by thin layers of hyaline cartilage. Section Chondrosternal Joints 2 Each rib is continuous anteriorly with its cartilage, to kind a main cartilaginous joint. These are fibrocartilaginous discs which intervene between the bodies of adjoining vertebrae, and bind them together. The thickness of the disc varies in several regions of the vertebral column, and in several parts of the identical disc. The discs are thinnest within the higher thoracic region, and thickest in the lumbar area. The contribution is bigger in the cervical and lumbar regions than within the thoracic region. It is made up of a narrower outer zone of collagenous fibres and a wider inner zone of fibrocartilage. Functions Movements between adjoining vertebrae happen concurrently in any respect the joints connecting them. However, when the actions between several vertebrae are added collectively the entire range of motion turns into appreciable. The actions are those of flexion, extension, lateral flexion and a certain amount of rotation. This is influenced by the thickness and flexibility of the intervertebral discs and by the orientation of the articular aspects. Flexion and extension occur freely in the cervical and lumbar regions, but not within the thoracic area. Rotation is free within the thoracic area, and restricted within the lumbar and cervical areas. When the slight actions at individual discs are added together, they turn into appreciable. Increase in quantity of the thoracic cavity creates a negative intrathoracic pressure which sucks air into the lungs. Movements of the thoracic wall occur mainly on the costovertebral and manubriosternal joints. Principles of Movements 2 Thorax 1 Each rib may be regarded as a lever, the fulcrum of which lies simply lateral to the tubercle. Such movements occur within the vertebrochondral ribs, and are called bucket-handle movements. The transverse diameter is elevated: 1 Mainly by the bucket-handle movements of the seventh to tenth vertebrochondral ribs. The scapulae are elevated and fixed by the trapezius, the levator scapulae and the rhomboids, so that the serratus anterior and the pectoralis minor muscle tissue may act on the ribs. Expiration 1 Quiet expiration: the air is expelled primarily by the elastic recoil of the chest wall and pulmonary alveoli, and partly by the tone of the abdominal muscle tissue. Respiratory Movements during Different Types of Breathing Inspiration 1 Quiet inspiration a. The anteroposterior diameter of the thorax is elevated by elevation of the second to sixth ribs. The first rib is elevated immediately by the scaleni, and not directly by the sternocleidomastoid. Section � In dyspnoea or issue in breathing, the sufferers are most comfortable on sitting up, leaning forwards and fixing the arms. In the sitting posture, the place of diaphragm is the lowest allowing maximum air flow. Fixation of the arms fixes the scapulae, so that the serratus anterior and pectoralis minor may act on the ribs to good advantage. It is highest on mendacity supine, so the affected person is extremely uncomfortable, as he/she must exert immensely for inspiration. The affected person is kind of comfy as the hassle required for inspiration is the least. The diaphragm is midway in position whereas standing, however the affected person is too ill or exhausted to stand. A typical thoracic vertebra forms following joints: � Body of one vertebrae with physique of vertebra above and physique of vertebra below-secondary cartilaginous joint (2 joints). Joints formed by a typical rib are: � Posterior end or head of a typical rib articulates with two adjoining vertebrae, corresponding one and one above it and the intervening intervertebral disc. Blood provide of the sternum and its significance in inside thoracic artery harvesting. Enumerate the joints formed by the manubrium, and by sternum with the costal cartilages. The tubercle of a typical rib articulates with the aspect on the transverse strategy of: a. Which of the next ribs articulates with transverse strategy of a thoracic vertebra The decrease larger aspect on the top of a typical rib articulates with the demifacet on: a. In addition, the intercostal muscular tissues and membranes fill up the gaps between adjoining ribs and cartilages. A proper and left pair of thoracic nerves fulfil the exact definition of the dermatome. Sympathetic part of autonomic nervous system begins from the lateral horns of thoracic 1 to thoracic 12 segments of the spinal twine. In addition to the muscles listed above, a selection of different muscles of the abdomen and of the top and neck are hooked up to the margins of the 2 apertures of the thorax. Muscles of the Upper Limb the thoracic cage types the skeletal framework of the wall of the thorax. They are crammed by the intercostal muscles and include the intercostal nerves, vessels and lymphatics. There are 9 intercostal spaces anteriorly and eleven intercostal areas posteriorly. Extent 2 Thorax Muscles of the Abdomen 1 Rectus abdominis 2 External indirect 240 the exterior intercostal muscle extends from the tubercle of the rib posteriorly to the costochondral junction anteriorly. The inner intercostal muscle extends from the lateral border of the sternum to the angle of the rib. Beyond the angle, it becomes continuous with the inner or posterior intercostal membrane, which is continuous with the anterior fibres of the superior costotransverse ligament. The subcostalis is confined to the posterior part of the lower intercostal areas only. Direction of Fibres 2 the fibres of the inner intercostal run downwards, backwards and laterally, i. Nerve Supply All intercostal muscles are supplied by the intercostal nerves of the areas by which they lie. Actions of the Intercostal Muscles In the anterior a part of the intercostal house: 1 the fibres of the exterior intercostal muscle run downwards, forwards and medially in front. It then pierces the inner intercostal muscle, the exterior intercostal membrane and the pectoralis major muscle to terminate as the anterior cutaneous nerve of the thorax. The anterior major ramus of the twelfth thoracic nerve forms the subcostal nerve.

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